Digital Eye Strain Management in Okemos

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Giving Your Eyes a Break

Our eyes are put under a lot of stress on a daily basis. Digital screen usage has become an essential aspect of daily living, whether it’s for work or entertainment, and our eyes can pay the price.

Giving your eyes a break and stepping away from the screen to see what your dog is up to can help manage the effects of digital eye strain.

When digital eye strain settles in, we are here to help! Contact us to schedule an appointment and find relief today.

How Digital Eye Strain Affects You

Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, can affect your eyes when you spend long hours in front of a computer, phone, tablet, or other digital screen. The effects of digital eye strain can be magnified by preexisting vision issues like myopia, astigmatism, or presbyopia

Common signs and symptoms of digital eye strain may include: 

  • Dry eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain

Untreated symptoms of digital eye strain can worsen over time and lead to other vision issues. Consistent eye exams allow our team to monitor the effects of digital eye strain on your eyes.

Helping You Overcome Eye Strain

The first step to managing digital eye strain is visiting us for a comprehensive eye examination. An eye exam allows our team to look closely at your eyes, discuss your symptoms, review your screen time habits, and recommend different management methods to help you find relief.

To have clear vision, your eyes have to work together effectively. If your eyes are misaligned, they have to work harder to focus on close objects, like a digital screen. When viewing a screen, your eyes are already working hard, so the two factors combined can make your eyes susceptible to digital eye strain symptoms.

At Capital City Vision Center, we offer Neurolens to address one of the underlying issues behind digital eye strain—eye misalignment.

Viewing your screen at the correct distance and angle can do wonders for the prevention of digital eye strain. Viewing your screen at awkward angles can alter your posture and cause unnecessary stress to your eyes and body.

Your screen should be about an arm’s length away from your eyes, and you should keep your screen at eye level or slightly below.

Intense focus on your screen for long periods of time without taking breaks can dry out your eyes and cause strain. Taking a break is important, and the 20-20-20 rule allows you to do just that.

The 20-20-20 method involves: 

  • Looking away from your screen every 20 minutes
  • Focusing on something 20 feet away
  • Looking at the object for at least 20 seconds

Lighting plays an important part in preventing digital eye strain. Lighting that is too dim or too bright can have a negative impact on your vision. 

Balance is key! Adjusting your screen brightness, so you’re not squinting or straining your eyes can provide you relief. Glare also contributes to eye strain and is essential to consider in your setup. 

Take Our Digital Eye Strain Quiz

Getting Your Comfort Back

Digital eye strain can cause discomfort and slow down your productivity. Our team at Capital City Vision Center aims to help you overcome the effects of digital eye strain and restore your comfort.

Your eye health is our priority! Contact us to schedule an eye exam and get to the bottom of your digital eye strain symptoms today.

Visit Our Location

Check Out Our Unique Frame Selection

Are you ready to find your next favorite pair of glasses?  Browse through our various brands and styles by visiting us today!

Where to Find Us

We are located just east of the Meridian Mall on West Grand River Avenue—a part of Dusty’s Plaza. We offer dedicated parking for CCVC patients right out front of our door. Please call for further directions—we are happy to help you navigate.

Our Address

  • 1865 West Grand River Ave.
  • Okemos, MI 48864

Contact Us

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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